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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Neolithic or New Stone Age

Traces of Neolithic communities have survived mostly in the north-western region
and the Deccan.Neolithic settlements in Baluchistan seems to be the oldest,dating
around 3500 BC.
In the new way of life,humans began to domesticate animals(dog,goat and sheep)
and cultivate plants(wheat and barley).As a result,man began to settle down in certain
selected areas.This lead to the growth of villages and farming communities.The tools
that they needed also changed: a heavy digging stick used for digging the ground,
a sickle is used for harvesting,an axe used for cutting and felling trees and
various types of pottery to store surplus grain and to hot liquids.
The people used ochre-colored pottery.The wheel was an important discovery.

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