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Friday, July 31, 2009



Chemistry is the branch of science in which we study properties,composition and structure of materials in the world around us.

Branches of Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry
This mainly deals with the study of all of elements and the properties, preparation and application of their compounds.

Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry deals with the study of aspects of carbon and its compounds.

Physical Chemistry
The theorectical and mathematical aspects of chemical reactions are dealt with in the study of Physical Chemistry.

The branch of chemistry involves the study of chemical changes and reactions occuring with in the living systems and in the life processess.

Analytical Chemistry.
The study of constituents and their identification in chemical substances is studied in Analytical Chemistry.

Importance of Chemistry

Penicillin - The first antibiotic.

Insulin - The first Hormon therapy.

Ether - The making of Modern Surgery.
Ether was the first compound used as the anesthetic.

Aspirin - More than a head ache pill.
Aspirin is the first pill used as the analgesic, and is called wonder drug.

L-Dopa - It is a wonder drug for people with Parkinson's disease.

Taxol- Taxol is a potent anti cancer natural product with activity aganist a number of leukeamias and solid tumours in the breast,ovary,brain and lungs in human.

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