Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Animal Husbandry
1. General :
Role of Livestock in Indian Economy and human
health. Mixed farming. Agroclimatic zones and
livestock distribution. Socioeconomic aspects of
livestock enterprise with special reference to women.
2. Genetics and Breeding :
Principle of genetics, chemical nature of DNA and
RNA and their models and functions. Recombinant
DNA technology, transgenic animals, multiple
ovulation and embryo-transfer. Cytogenetics,
immunogenetics and biochemical polymorphic and
their application in animal improvement. Gene actions.
Systems and strategies for improvement of livestock
for milk, meat, wool production and drought and poultry
for eggs and meat. Breeding of animals for disease
resistance. Breeds of livestock, poultry and rabbits.
3. Nutrition : Role of nutrition in animal health and
production. Classification of feeds, Proximate
composition of feeds, feeding standards, computation
of rations. Ruminant nutrition. Concepts of total
digestible nutrients and starch equivalent systems.
Significance of energy determinations. Conservation
of feeds and fodder and utilization of agro by-products.
Feed supplements and additives. Nutrition deficiencies
and their management.
4. Management :
Systems of housing and management of livestock, poultry
and rabbits. Farm record. Economics of livestock, poultry
and rabbit farming. Clean milk production. Veterinary
hygiene with reference to water, air and habitation.
Sources of water and standards of potable water.
Purification of water. Air changes and thermal comfort.
Drainage systems and effluent disposal. Biogas.
5. Animal Production :
1. Artificial insemination, fertility and sterility.
Reproductive physiology, semen charcteris-tics and
preservation. Sterility its causes and remedies.
2. Meat eggs and wool production. Methods of slaughter
of meat animals, meat inspection, judgement, carcass
characteristics, adulteration and its detection
processing and preservation.; Meat products, quality
control and nutritive value, By-products. Physiology
of egg production, nutritive value, grading of eggs
preservation and marketing.
Types of wool, grading and marketing.
Veterinary Science :
1. Major contagious diseases affecting cattle, buffaloes,
horses, sheep and goats, pigs, poultry, rabbits and
pet animals-Etiology, symptoms, pathogenicity,
diagnosis, treatment and control of major bacterial,
viral, rickettsial and parasitic infections.
2. Description, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the following :—
1. Production diseases of milch animals, pig and poultry.
2. Deficiency diseases of domestic livestock and birds.
3. Poisonings due to infected/contaminated foods and feeds,
chemicals and drugs.
7. Principles of immunization and vaccination :
Different types of immunity, antigens and antibodies.
Methods of immunization. Breakdown of immunity,
Vaccines and their use in animals.
Zoonoses, Foodborne infections and intoxications,
occupation hazards
1. Poisons used for killing animals euthanesia.
2. Drugs used for increasing production/performance
efficiency, and their adverse effects.
3. Drugs used to tranquilize wild animals as well as
animals in captivity.
4. Quarantine measures in India and abroad. Act,
Rules and Regulations.
9. Dairy Science :
Physicochemical and nutritional properties of milk.
Quality assessment of milk and milk products, Common
tests and legal standards. Cleaning and sanitation
of dairy equipment. Milk collections, chilling,
transportation processing, packaging, storage and
distribution. Manufacture of market milk, cream butter,
cheese, ice-cream, condensed and dried milk, by products\
and Indian Milk products.
Unit operations in dairy plant.
Role of micro organisam in quality of milk and
products physiology of milk secretion.
Main Examination Syllabus
1. Paper-I Animal Nutrition
1. Energy sources, energy, metabolism and requirements for
maintenance and production of milk, meat, eggs and wool.
Evaluation of feeds as sources of energy.
2. Trends in protein nutrition: sources of protein metabolism
and synthesis, protein quantity and quality in relation to
requirements. Energy protein ratios in ration.
3. Minerals in animal diet : Sources, functions, requirements
and their relationship of the basic minerals nutrients
including trace elements.
4. Vitamins, Hormones and Growth Stimulating, substances :
Sources, functions, requirements and inter-relationship
with minerals.
5. Advances in Ruminant Nutrition-Dairy Cattle: Nutrients
and their metabolism with reference to milk production and
its composition. Nutrient requirements for calves, heifers,
dry and milking cows and buffaloes. Limitations of various
feeding systems.
6. Advances in Non-Rumiant Nutrition-Poultry-Nutrients and
their metabolism with reference to poultry, meat and egg
production, Nutrients requirements and feed formulation
and broilers at different ages.
7. Advances in Non-Ruminant Nutrition-Swine-Nutrients and
their metabolism with special reference to growth and quality
of meat production, Nutrient requirement and feed formulation
for baby-growing and finishing pigs.
8. Advances in Applied Animal Nutrition-A critical review and
evaluation of feeding experiments, digestibility and balance
studies. Feeding standards and measures of food energy.
Nutrition requirements for growth, maintenance and production.
Balanced rations.
2. Animal Physiology
1. Growth and Animal Production :-Prenatal and postnatal growth,
maturation, growth curves, measures of growth, factors affecting
growth, conformation, body composition, meat quality.
2. Milk Production and Reproduction and Digestion : Current
status of hormonal control of mammary development, milk
secretion and milk ejection. Male and Female reproduction
organ, their components and function. Digestive organs
and their functions.
3. Environmental Physiology : Physiological relations and
their regulation; mechanisms of adaption, environmental
factors and regulatory mechanism involved in animal behaviour,
methods of controlling climatic stress.
4. Semen quality : Preservation and Artificial Insemination-Components
of semen, composition of spermatozoe, chemical and physical properties
of ejaculated semen, factors affecting semen in vivo and in vitro.
Factors affecting semen production and quality preservation,
composition of diluents, sperm concentration, transport of
diluted semen. Deep Freezing techniques in cows, sheep and
goats, swine and poultry. Detection of oestrus and time of
insemination for better conception.
3. Livestock Production and Management
1. Commercial Dairy Farming-Comparison of dairy farming in India
with advanced countries. Dairying under fixed farming and as a
specialised farming, economic dairy farming, Starting of a dairy
farm. Capital and land requirement, organisation of the dairy
farm. Procurement of goods; opportunities in dairy farming,
factors determining the efficiency of dairy animal, Herd
recording, budgeting, cost of milk production; pricing
policy; Personnel Management. Developing Practical and
Economic ration for dairy cattle; supply of greens throughout
the year, field and fodder requirements of Dairy Farm, Feeding
regimes for day and young stock and bulls, heifers and breeding
animals, new trends in feeding young and adult stock; Feeding records.
2. Commercial meat, egg and wool production: Development
of practical and economic rations for sheep, goats, pigs,
rabbits and poultry. Supply of greens, fodder, feeding
regimens for young and mature stock. New trends in
enhancing production and management. Capital and land
requirements and socio-economic concept.
3. Feeding and management of animals under drought,
flood and other natural calamities.
4. Genetics and Animal Breeding
1. Mitosis and Meiosis; Mendelian inheritance;
deviations to Mendelian genetics; Expression
of genes; Linkage and crossing over; Sex determination,
sex influenced and sex limited characters; Blood groups
and polymorphism; Chromosome abberations; Gene and its
structure; DNA as a genetic material; Genetic code and
protein synthesis; Recombinant DNA technology, Mutations,
types of mutations, methods for detecting mutations and
mutation rate.
2. Population Genetics Applied to Animal Breeding: Quantitative
Vs. qualitative traits; Hardy Weinberg Law; Population Vs. individual;
Gene and genotypic frequency; Forces changing gene frequency;
Random drift and small populations; Theory of path
coefficient; Inbreeding, methods of estimating inbreeding
coefficient, systems of inbreeding; Effective population
size; Breeding value, estimation of breeding value,
dominance and epistatic deviation; partitioning of
variation; Genotype X environment correlation and
genotype X environment interaction; Role of multiple
measurements; Resemblance between relatives.
3. Breeding Systems : Heritability, repeatability and genetic
and phenotypic correlations, their methods of estimation and
precision of estimates; Aids to selection and their relative
merits; Individual, pedigree, family and within family
selection; Progeny testing; Methods of selection; Construction
of selection indices and their uses; Comparative evaluation
of genetic gains through various selection methods; Indirect
selection and Correlated response; Inbreeding, upgrading,
cross-breeding and synthesis of breeds; Crossing of inbred
lines for commercial production; Selection for general and
specificcombining ability; Breeding for threshold character.
1. Paper-II Health and Hygiene
1. Histology and Histological Techniques :
Stains-Chemical classification of stains used in biological
work-principles of staining tissues-mordants-progressive
& regressive stains-differential staining of cytoplasmic
and connective tissue elements-Methods of preparation and
processing of tissues-celloidin embedding-Freezing
microtomy-Microscopy-Bright field microscope and
electron microscope. Cytology-structure of cell, organells
& inclusions; cell divison-cell types-Tissues and their
classification-embryonic and adult tissues-Comparative
histology of organs:- vascular, Nervous, digestive, respiratory,
musculo-skeletal and urogenital systems-Endocrine
glands-Integuments-sense organs.
2. Embryology : Embryology of vertebrates with special reference
to aves and domestic mammals-gametogenesis-fertilization-germ
layers-foetal membranes & placentation-types of placenta in
domestic mammals-Teratology-twin & twinning-organogenesis-germ
layer derivatives-endodermal, mesodermal and ectodermal derivatives.
3. Bovine Anatomy-Regional Anatomy : Paranasal sinuses of OX-surface
anatomy of salivary glands. Regional anatomy of infraorbital,
maxillary, mandibuloalveolar, mental & coronal nerve block-Regional
anatomy of paravertebral nerves, pudental nerve, median, ulnar &
radial nerves-tibial, fibular and digital nerves-Cranial
nerves-structures involved in epidural anaesthesia-superficial
lymph nodes-surface anatomy of visceral organs of thoracic, abdominal
and pelvic cavities-comparative features of locomotor apparatus
& their application in the biomechanics of mammalian body.
4. Anatomy of Fowls : Musculo-skeletal system-functional anatomy
in relation to respiration and flying, digestion and egg production.
5. Physiology of blood and its circulation, respiration; excretion,
Endocrine glands in health and disease.
1. Blood constituents : Properties and functions-blood cell
formation-Haemoglobin synthesis and chemistry-plasma proteins
production, classification and properties; coagulation of blood;
Haemorrhagic disorders-anticoagulants-blood groups-Blood
volume-Plasma expanders-Buffer systems in blood. Biochemical
tests and their significance in disease diagnosis.
2. Circulation: Physiology of heart, cardiac cycle-heart sounds,
heart beat, electrocardiograms, Work and efficiency of heart-effect
of ions on heart function-metabolism of cardiac muscle, nervous and
chemical regulation of heart, effect of temperature and stress
on heart, blood pressure and hypertension, Osmotic regulation,
arterial pulse, vasomotor regulation of circulation, shock.
Coronary & pulmonary circulation, Blood-Brain barrier-Cerebrospinal
fluid-circulation in birds.
3. Respiration : Mechanism of respiration, Transport and exchange of
gases-neural control of respiration-chemoreceptors-hypoxia-respiration
in birds.
4. Excretion: Structure and function of kidney-formation of urinemethods
of studying renal function-renal regulation of acid-base balance;
physiological constituents of urine-renal failure-passive venous
congestion-Urinary recreation in chicken-Sweat glands and their
function. Biochemical tests for urinary dysfunction.
5. Endocrine glands : Functional disorders, their symptoms and
diagnosis. Synthesis of hormones, mechanism and control of
secretion-hormonal receptors-classification and function.
6. General knowlege of pharmacology and therapeutics of
drugs : Celluar level of pharmacodynamics and pharmaco-kinetics-Drugs
acting on fluids and electrolyte balance-drugs acting on Autonomic
nervous system-Modern concepts of anaesthesia and dissociative
anaesthetics-Autocoids-Antimicrobials and principles of
chemotherapy in microbial injections-use of hormones in
therapeutics-chemotherapy of parasitic infections-Drug and
economic persons in the Edible tissues of animals-chemotherapy
of Neoplastic diseases.
7. Veterinary Hygiene with reference to water, air and habitation :
Assessment of pollution of water, air and soil-Importance of climate
in animal health-effect of environment on animal function and
performance-relationship between industri-alisation and animal
agriculture-animal housing requirements for specific categories
of domestic animals viz. pregnant cows & sows, milking cows,
broiler birds-stress, strain & productivity in relation to
animal habitation.
2. Animal Diseases
1. Pathogenesis, symptoms, postmortum lesions, diagnosis, and control
of infection diseases of cattle, pigs and poultry, horses, sheep and
2. Etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment of production diseases
of cattle, pig and poultry.
3. Deficiency diseases of domestic animals and birds.
4. Diagnosis and treatment of nonspecific condition like impaction,
Bloat, Diarrhoea, Indigestion, dehydration, stroke, poisioning.
5. Diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders.
6. Principles and methods of immunisation of animals against specific
diseases-hard immunity-disease free zones-'zero' disease
7. Anaesthesia-local, regional and general-preanaesthetic medication,
Symptoms and surgical interference in fractures and dislocation,
Hernia, choking, abomassal displacement-Caesarian operations,
8. Disease investigation techniques-Materials for laboratory
investigation-Establishment Animal Health Centres-Disease free zone.
3. Veterinary Public Health
1. Zoonoses : Classification, definition; role of animals and birds
in prevalence and transmission of zoonotic diseases-occupational
zoonotic diseases.
2. Epidemiology : Principles, definition of epidemiological terms,
application of epidemiological measures in the study of diseases
and disease control, Epidemiological features of air, water and
food borne infections.
3. Veterinary Jurisprudence : Rules and Regulations for improvement
of animal quality and prevention of animal diseases-state and control
Rules for prevention of animal and animal product borne diseases-S.P.
C.A.-veterolegal cases-certificates-Materials and Methods of
collection of samples for veterolegal investigation.
4. Milk and Milk Products Technology
1. Milk Technology : Organization of rural milk procurement, collection
and transport of raw milk. Quality, testing and grading raw milk, Quality
storage grades of whole milk, Skimmed milk and cream. Processing,
packaging, storing, distributing, marketing defects and their control and
nutritive properties of the following milks : Pasteurized, standardized,
toned, double toned, sterilized, homogenized, reconstituted, recombined
and flavoured milks. Preparation of cultured milks, cultures and their
management, youghurt, Dahi, Lassi and Srikhand. Preparation of flavoured
and sterlized milks. Legal standards, Sanitation requirement for clean
and safe milk and for the milk plant equipment.
2. Milk Products Technology : Selection of raw materials, assembling,
production, processing, storing, distributing and marketing milk
products such as Butter, Ghee, Khoa, Channa, Cheese; Condensed,
evaporated, dried milk and baby food; Ice cream and Kulfi; by products;
whey products, butter milk, lactose and casein. Testing Grading,
judging milk products-BIS and Agmark specifications, legal standards,
quality control nutritive properties. Packaging, processing and
operational control Costs.
5. Meat Hygiene and Technology
1. Meat Hygiene :
1. Ante mortem care and management of food animals, stunning,
slaughter and dressing operations; abattoir requirements and designs;
Meat inspection procedures and judgement of carcass meat
cuts-drading of carcass meat cuts-duties and functions of
Veterinarians in Wholesome meat production.
2. Hygienic methods of handling production of meat-spoilage of
meat and control measures-Post slaughter physicochemical changes
in meat and factors that influence them-quality improvement
methods-Adulteration of meat and defection-Regulatory provisions
in Meat trade and Industry.
2. Meat Technology
1. Physical and chemical characteristics of meat-meat emulsions-methods
of preservation of meat-curing, canning, irradiation, packaging of meat
and meat products; meat products and formulations.
3. Byproducts : Slaughter house by products and their utilisation-Edible
and inedible byproducts-social and economic implications of proper
utilisation of slaughter house byproducts-Organ products for food
and pharmaceuticals.
4. Poultry Products Technology : Chemical composition and nutritive value
of poultry meat, pre slaughter care and management. Slaughtering techniques,
inspection, preservation of poultry meat, and products. Legal and BIS
standards. Structure, composition and nutritive value of eggs. Microbial
spoilage. Preservation and maintenance. Marketing of poultry meat,
eggs and products.
5. Rabbit/Fur Animal farming : Care and management of rabbit meat
production. Disposal and utilization of fur and wool and recycling
of waste byproducts. Grading of wool.
6. Extension
1. Basic philosophy, objectives, concept and principles of extension.
Different Methods adopted to educate farmers under rural conditions.
Generation of technology, its transfer and feedback. Problems of
constraints in transfer of technology. Animal husbandry programmes
for rural development.
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