About the Name
India got its name from the river Indus(Sindhu).From time immemorial India was an attraction to the people of West Asia and Europe.They had to cross river Indus to reach this wonderland.So they considered this great countryas the gift of Indus and called it India.
River Indus is one of the longest rives of the world with 2900 km length and carries water twice of the river Nile.It was the cradle of one of the ancient civilizations of the world called Indus Valley Civilization.Hence the name of this country,derived from the name of a great river,is most suitable.
Another name of India is Bharat.This word means 'Pleasing every creature'.As per mythology India is the land of Bharata,a great ruler of ancient times who mentioned in the epics.South Asians and the Hindus call India by the name Hindustan,meaning the land of Hindus.
Capital City : New Delhi
Area : 32,87,263 sq.km
Government : Republic
Matural Resources : Iron,Copper,Manganese,Bauxite,Gold,Mica and Coal.
Agricultural Products : Rice,Wheat,Cotton,Sugarcane,Coconut,Spice,Jute,Tea,Coffee and Rubber.
Exports : Textiles and Clothing,Iron ore ,Tea,Fish and Farm produce.
Unit of Money : Rupee
Official Languages :Hindi,English
Religion : Secular
Father of Nation : Mahatma Gandhi.
Supreme Commander : The President of India.
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