The greatest son of India popularly know as Light of Asia.Siddhartha was born as a prince of Shakya at Lumbini,now in Nepal in 563BC.After leaving all worldly belongings,he meditated under the Bodhi tree and became enlightened at Buddhagaya in Bihar.Preached his first sermon at Saranath in UP.'Desire is the cause of sorrow'.'Understanding four Noble Truths leads a person to ultimate liberation'.Buddha breathed his last at Kushninagar in Uttar Pradesh.Buddhism spread South and Central Asia from Afghanistan to Japan 400 million people follow Buddhism.

Vardhamana Mahavira is the founder of Jainism.He was born at Kundalagrama in Vaisali of Bihar.Attained enlightenment at Jrimbhigrama.Ahimsa is the core of Jainism.Self denial and penance are the means to purify human nature.Right faith,Right knowledge and Right conduct are known as the three jewels of Jainism.Mahavira attained Nirvana at Pavapuri in 468BC
Guru Nanak(1469-1539)

Founder of Sikhism.Born at Rai Bhoi di Talvandi near Lahore in a merchant family.Worked as a store keeper before getting spiritual insight.Spent a wandering life for 20 years as a saint.Then settled at Karatarpur in Punjab and became the first Guru of Sikhism.Both Hindu and Muslim ideologies influenced Sikhism.No external aid of idols or mosques needed to worship God.Guru Nanak died in 1539.
Swami Vivekananda(1863-1902)

Great Indian monk and social reformer.Born on January 12,1863 near Calcutta.His name was Narendranath Datta.Received English education and became the disciple of Sree Ramakrishna.Addressed World Religious Conference of 1893 at Chicago.Founded Ramakrishna Mission in 1897.Stood aganist social injustice and casteism of Hindu religion.
Dayananda Saraswathy(1824-1883)

Social reformer and religious leader.He was born at Morve in Gujarat.Founded Arya Samaj for the Hindu reformation in 1875.'Go back to Vedas'was his slogan.He succeeded in mobilising Hindu mainstream people against injustice prevailing in the region.His ideologies influenced Gandhiji a lot.Dayananda Saraswathi also participated in the first war of independence.
Sree Sankara(788-820)

Sree Sankara,popularly known as Sankaracharya was born at Kalady in Kerala.His interpretation of Vedas and Hindu spirituality based on 'Adwaida' gave a new orientation to the diminishing Hindu religion.Then he traveled all over India by foot and lit the lamp of awakening in society.He founded religious centers called mut at different parts of India.This great saint breathed his last at the age of 32.