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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dates to Remember.....

1757 - Battle of Plassey: The British defeat Siraj-ud-daulah

1760 - Battle of Wandiwash: The British defeat the French

1761 - Third battle of Panipat

1764 - Battle of Buxar: The British defeat Mir Kasim

1765 - The British get Diwani Rights in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa

1767 -1769 - First Mysore War

1772 - Warren Hastings appointed as Governor of Bengal

1773 - The Regulating Act passed by the British Parliament

1775 -1782 - The First Anglo-Maratha war

1780-1784 - Second Mysore War : The British defeat Hyder Ali

1784 - Pitt's India Act

1790-1792 - Third Mysore War between the British and Tipu

1793 - Permanent Settlement of Bengal

1799 - Fourth Mysore War: The British defeat Tipu

1802- Treaty of Bassein

1803-1805 - The Second Anglo-Maratha war

1814-1816 - The Anglo-Gurkha war

1817-1818 - The Pindari war

1824-1826 - The First Burmese war

1829 - Prohibition of Sati

1831 - Mysore administration taken over by East India Company

1833 - Renewal of Company's Charter

1833 - Abolition of Slavery throughout the British Empire

1838 - Tripartite treaty between Shah Shuja, Ranjit Singh and the British

1839-1842 - First Afghan war

1843 - Gwalior war

1845-1846 - First Anglo-Sikh war

1848 - Lord Dalhousie becomes the Governor-General

1848-1849 - Second Anglo-Sikh war

1852 - Second Anglo-Burmese war

1853 - Railway & Telegraph line introduced

1857 - First War of Indian Independence: The Sepoy Mutiny

1857 - Zanshichi Rani Laxmibai - Freedom struggle in 1857

1858 - British Crown takes over the Indian Government

1877 - The Queen of England proclaimed Empress of India

1878 - Vernacular Press Act

1881 - Factory Act

1885 - First meeting of the Indian National Congress

1897 - Plague in Bombay; Famine Commission

1899 - Lord Curzon becomes Governor-General and Viceroy

1905 - The First Partition of Bengal

1906 - Formation of Muslim League

1911 - Partition of Bengal modified to create the Presidency of Bengal

1912 - The Imperial capital shifted from Calcutta to Delhi

1913 - Educational Resolution of the Government of India

1915 - Defence of India Act

1916 - Home Rule League, Foundation of Women's University at Poona

1919 - Rowlatt Act evokes protests; Jalianwalla Bagh massacre;

1920 - The Khilafat Movement started, Non-co-operation Movement

1921 - Moplah (Muslim) rebellion in Malabar; Census of India

1922 - Civil Disobedience Movement, Chauri-Chaura violence

1925 - Reforms Enquiry committee Report

1927 - Indian Navy Act; Simon Commission Appointed

1928 - Simon Commission comes to India: Boycott by all parties

1929 - Lord Irwin promises Dominion Status for India; Trade Union split

1930 - Salt Satyagraha, First Round Table Conference

1931 - Second Round Table Conference; Irwin-Gandhi Pact

1932 - Third Round Table Conference, Poona Pact

1934 - Civil Disobedience Movement called off; Bihar Earthquake

1937 - Inauguration of Provincial Autonomy

1939 - Political deadlock in India as Congress ministries resign

1942 - Cripps Mission, Quit India Movement, Indian National Army

1944 - Gandhi-Jinnah Talks break down on Pakistan issue

1946 - Interim Government formed, Constituent Assembly's first meeting

3 June 1947 - Lord Mountbatten's plan for partition of India

15 Aug 1947 - Partition of India and Independence

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