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Thursday, October 29, 2009


Irina Bokova,Bulgaria's former foreign minister is became the first woman to head UNESCO,the Paris based United Nations agency for education,science and culture.


Leander Paes of India and Lukas Dlouhy of the Czech Republic won the US Open tennis men's doubles title.Paes now has 10 Grand Slam titles-six in men's doubles and 4 in mixed doubles.Mahesh Bhupathi has 11 Grand Slam titles - 4 men's doubles and 7 mixed doubles.

Pae's Grand Slam Titles

Men's Doubles

1999 : French Open(with Mahesh Bhupathi)
1999 : Wimbledon (with Mahesh Bhupathi)
2001 : French open(with Mahesh Bhupathi)
2006 : US open (with Martin Dam of Czech Republic)
2009 : French Open(with Loukas Dlouhy)

Mixed Doubles

1999 : Wimbledon(with Lisa Raymond)
2003 : Australian Open(with Martina Navratilova)
2003 : wimbledon(with Martina Navratilova)
2008 : US Open(with Cara Black).


United State President Barack Obama has appointed Indian-American Arun Majumdar as incharge of advanced research in the field of energy,one of the key post in his administration.
A product of IIT Mumbai,Mr Majumdar has been nominated Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy in the united States Department of Energy.


Norman E Borlaug, the United States of agricultural scientist and 'Father of Green Revolution',who received the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize for developing high yielding crops to prevent famine in the developing world,passed away on September 12,2009 at the age of 95.His crusade to develop high yielding,disease-resistant crops saved millions of people worldwide who otherwise may have been doomed to starvation.His efforts to develop new crop varieties helped alleviate food shortages in places such as India and Pakistan,helping to make developing countries self sufficient in food production.
In 2007,Borlaug also received the Congressional Gold medal,the highest civilian honour of the United States.
He instituted the annual World Food Prize.Dr MS Swaminathan was the first recipient.


Eight years ago British actor Lupino Lane created a(as yet unbroken)record for a male actor by playing 24 roles in "Only Me"(1929).And now Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra is excited about the possibility of entering record books for doing 12 roles in "What's Your Rashee?".
In Ashutosh Gowariker's "What's Your Rashee?",she plays 12 different roles and the film has already been referred to the Guinness Book of World Records.

Vijender Singh

Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna awardee and Beijing Olympics bronze medallist Vijender Singh on September 12,2009 created history by winning bronze medal at the World Boxing championship in Milan, Italy. It is the first ever medal for India in the world championships.Virender Singh was beaten by Abbos Atoev of Uzbekistan in semi finals.2009 became the first Indian boxer to reach pinnacle of the international boxing Association's world ranking in the middle weight category(75). With 2700 points,the 23 year old boxer from bhiwani is on top.

Fact file : Vijender Singh.
Origin : Kaluwas village,Bhiwani(Haryana)
Age : 23
Weight Category : Middle weight(75 kg)
International Medals

2009 :Won bronze at World Amateur Boxing Championships in Milan.Also clinched bronze at the Asian Championships and got Rajiv Gandhi khel Ratna award.
2008 :Became the first Indian boxer to win an Olympic medal when he won bronze in the middleweight category.
2006 :Won Silver medal at the Commonwealth Games at Melbourne.He went up a division and competed in the middleweight(75 kg)division at the 2006 Asian Games at Doha winning the bronze.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dates to Remember.....

1757 - Battle of Plassey: The British defeat Siraj-ud-daulah

1760 - Battle of Wandiwash: The British defeat the French

1761 - Third battle of Panipat

1764 - Battle of Buxar: The British defeat Mir Kasim

1765 - The British get Diwani Rights in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa

1767 -1769 - First Mysore War

1772 - Warren Hastings appointed as Governor of Bengal

1773 - The Regulating Act passed by the British Parliament

1775 -1782 - The First Anglo-Maratha war

1780-1784 - Second Mysore War : The British defeat Hyder Ali

1784 - Pitt's India Act

1790-1792 - Third Mysore War between the British and Tipu

1793 - Permanent Settlement of Bengal

1799 - Fourth Mysore War: The British defeat Tipu

1802- Treaty of Bassein

1803-1805 - The Second Anglo-Maratha war

1814-1816 - The Anglo-Gurkha war

1817-1818 - The Pindari war

1824-1826 - The First Burmese war

1829 - Prohibition of Sati

1831 - Mysore administration taken over by East India Company

1833 - Renewal of Company's Charter

1833 - Abolition of Slavery throughout the British Empire

1838 - Tripartite treaty between Shah Shuja, Ranjit Singh and the British

1839-1842 - First Afghan war

1843 - Gwalior war

1845-1846 - First Anglo-Sikh war

1848 - Lord Dalhousie becomes the Governor-General

1848-1849 - Second Anglo-Sikh war

1852 - Second Anglo-Burmese war

1853 - Railway & Telegraph line introduced

1857 - First War of Indian Independence: The Sepoy Mutiny

1857 - Zanshichi Rani Laxmibai - Freedom struggle in 1857

1858 - British Crown takes over the Indian Government

1877 - The Queen of England proclaimed Empress of India

1878 - Vernacular Press Act

1881 - Factory Act

1885 - First meeting of the Indian National Congress

1897 - Plague in Bombay; Famine Commission

1899 - Lord Curzon becomes Governor-General and Viceroy

1905 - The First Partition of Bengal

1906 - Formation of Muslim League

1911 - Partition of Bengal modified to create the Presidency of Bengal

1912 - The Imperial capital shifted from Calcutta to Delhi

1913 - Educational Resolution of the Government of India

1915 - Defence of India Act

1916 - Home Rule League, Foundation of Women's University at Poona

1919 - Rowlatt Act evokes protests; Jalianwalla Bagh massacre;

1920 - The Khilafat Movement started, Non-co-operation Movement

1921 - Moplah (Muslim) rebellion in Malabar; Census of India

1922 - Civil Disobedience Movement, Chauri-Chaura violence

1925 - Reforms Enquiry committee Report

1927 - Indian Navy Act; Simon Commission Appointed

1928 - Simon Commission comes to India: Boycott by all parties

1929 - Lord Irwin promises Dominion Status for India; Trade Union split

1930 - Salt Satyagraha, First Round Table Conference

1931 - Second Round Table Conference; Irwin-Gandhi Pact

1932 - Third Round Table Conference, Poona Pact

1934 - Civil Disobedience Movement called off; Bihar Earthquake

1937 - Inauguration of Provincial Autonomy

1939 - Political deadlock in India as Congress ministries resign

1942 - Cripps Mission, Quit India Movement, Indian National Army

1944 - Gandhi-Jinnah Talks break down on Pakistan issue

1946 - Interim Government formed, Constituent Assembly's first meeting

3 June 1947 - Lord Mountbatten's plan for partition of India

15 Aug 1947 - Partition of India and Independence

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Booker Prize 2009

Hilary Mantel
(British Novelist)
Book - "Wolf Hall"

Nobel Prize 2009

Every year since 1901 the Nobel Prize has been awarded for achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and for peace. The Nobel Prize is an international award administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank established The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize. Each prize consists of a medal, personal diploma, and a cash award.

Nobel Prize 2009 - Economics

1.Elinor Ostrom

for her analysis of economic governance, especially the commons-

Oliver E. Williamson

-for his analysis of economic governance, especially the boundaries of the firm-

Nobel Prize 2009 - Peace

Barack Obama - Hon. President of United States of America

-for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"-

Nobel Prize 2009 -

Hertha Muller - Romania

-who, with the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose, depicts the landscape of the dispossessed -

Nobel Prize 2009 - Physics

1. Charles Cavo - Britain
-For groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication-

2.William S Boyle - US
3. George E Smith - US

-For the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit – the CCD sensor-

Nobel Prize 2009 - Chemistry

1. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan - US
2.Thomas Steitz - US
3. Ada Yonath - Israel

For showing how the ribosome, which produces protein, functions at the atomic level

Nobel Prize 2009 - Physiology or Medicine

-For the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase-

1. Elizabeth H. Blackburn - USA.
2. Carol W. Greider - USA.
Jack W. Szostak - USA.